A Daily Bible Teaching Radio Program From Jim Andrews: Pastor, Teacher, and Author





We would like to ask you to pray urgently for Pastor Jim. In order to understand this request, please go to the TFW Editor’s Blog and read both Part 12 and Part 13. Thank you.

Welcome to The Final Word from Pastor Jim Andrews of Lake Bible Church in Lake Oswego, Oregon. Pastor Jim typically teaches through the books of the Bible in a verse-by-verse expositional style, though you will also find several topical series he’s recorded to address certain broader biblical issues.

In addition, you may choose to study a Subject (a new feature to our website) that Jim has addressed in various programs throughout his teaching in the Scriptures. Pastor Jim’s preaching philosophy is to “cause the truth of God to intersect with the issues of life in such a way that the two collide violently in the consciousness.” He sees the preacher’s job as “comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable.”

Let us know how we can help you learn from God’s Word at info@thefinalwordradio.com. For website issues, contact mitchtech05@gmail.com.

  1. For several recent episodes from our current Series, scroll down. 
  2. For a complete listing of our Bible-book and topical Series, displayed from the first episode to the last, click Series.
  3. For specific common Subjects Pastor Jim has addressed, click Subjects.
  4. For all episodes from our current Series, displayed from the most recent to the least recent, click Archives.
  5. For Pastor Jim’s written Introduction to our current Series, click here.
  6. For Study Guides for our Genesis and Luke Series, click Blog.

Recent Episodes

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Broadcast Schedule

The Final Word can be heard weekdays on the following radio stations:

Portland, Oregon
93.9 KPDQ FM at 7 pm & 11:30 pm
TrueTalk 800 AM at 9 am and 5:30 pm

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
101.5 WORD-FM at 10:00 pm

Missed a broadcast or live outside of those areas? All episodes are available free of charge in iTunes or using RSS.

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Current and Most Recent Series

I Samuel Do Not Be Carried Away Revelation Marriage: Rules for the Road Following Jesus Psalms   

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