What’s Wrong with LBC? Part 2
What’s Wrong with Lake Bible Church? Part 2
“You’re Enabling My Dad to Endanger My Life!”
This article is Part 2 of the Open Letter from Juli (& me) to all current and former attenders/members of Lake Bible Church, or to anyone who has benefited from (Emeritus) Pastor Jim’s radio and books ministries, TFW and JAB. If you have not yet read Part 1, please do so now, as it is intertwined with this article thematically and biblically.
As we will demonstrate in this article, Pastor Jim has taught consistently throughout Scripture that all believers are to hold one another accountable, since we are all part of the Body of Christ. This function is part of the those stemming from the Priesthood of All Believers. These teachings, among others, have been collected and arranged into three Subjects on our TFW website: The Definition and Purpose of the Church, and The Practices of the Church, and Spiritual Gifts in the Church:
Here is a very brief summary of the key passages that Pastor Jim has exposited on this subject:
1) We must never focus on the recipient of the spiritual gift more than the Giver Himself (from 13:00-14:45), 2) We should never use our spiritual gifts selfishly or to over shadow those with smaller gifts (@17:20), 3) We should never use our gifts to tear down other members of the Body; all parts of the Body are to work together harmoniously to serve Christ the Head (@22:00).
1) We must guard against those with greater gifts, including preachers and other leaders, from getting puffed up (@14-15 min), 2) We have each been given a spiritual gift at conversion by the Holy Spirit, v.7 (@16 min.), 3) We must reject those who try to force all believers to have the same gift; variety is part of His plan! (@17 min), 4) We must not use our gifts to exalt ourselves or manipulate others for selfish ends v.7 (@21 min), 4) We must remember that we are accountable to God for how we use our gifts—see Parable of the Talents in Mat.25 (@22 min), 5) We must recognize God’s sovereign distribution of gifts and refuse to exalt ourselves or belittle others because of their gifts (@22:15).
1) Pastor Jim reviews the content of the previous program, repeating at @2:40 with an illustration about a weedeater that lacked a small but essential part in order to function, “We need all those little springs in the Church”, 2) We must not envy others’ gifts @4 min, 3) We learn about the organic nature of the Body of Christ, realizing that each gift is necessary for its proper functioning (@6 min), 4) We see the difference between the local church and the Church Universal and the Holy Spirit’s central role in the latter @7:20, @8:55, @11:45, 5) We must accept our responsibility as members of the Body to use our gifts since each one of us is essential and none is autonomous @13-15, 6) We must submit to God’s wisdom regarding the placement of gifts within the Body @15, 7) We must never arrogantly dismiss those with other gifts in selfish pride, @15:30 (remember the “little spring” in the opening illustration?), 8) All pastors should know that the least visible and seemingly unimportant members of the Body are actually the most valuable and necessary, (@17:20), and thus should be more greatly honored (@19 min), and 9) Without love, all the spiritual gifts amount to nothing @23:00.
Thus, Juli & I have used our spiritual gifts of discernment and teaching (which Pastor Jim has identified and developed in us over the past three decades) and have addressed each of our articles to a specific category of leadership at LBC (Senior Pastor, Elders). Pastor Jim teaches in Colossians 3:16-17 and Ephesians 5:21 the principle of mutual submission and accountability in all directions.
In our 3-25-23 letter to the LBC Board of Elders (p.7), we reminded them of Pastor Jim’s biblical prescription for Elders and congregants to hold the Senior Pastor accountable:
Perhaps the best message we have ever heard about a pastor’s accountability to his congregation and lay elders was when Pastor Jim spoke in 2019 on Ezra 7:10 at his grandson’s (Alex Dotson’s) ordination in Roseburg.
(This video may take a few minutes to load and play. Listen from 26:30-53:00.)
@32:00, Jim begins his charge to Alex as pastor to remain faithful to the Word of God, “to Know It, to Do It , and to Teach It.” Then he specifies that Alex must teach without fear of man (44:45-48:00).
@48:30 Jim now begins his charge to the congregation to uphold their responsibilities.
@51:50, Jim discusses his final point under this heading. He says, “And finally, accountability. I would never urge a congregation to stand up for a pastor no matter what. That’s a bad thing. We all need to be accountable, and pastors need to accountable also. I would never want, even though I’m his grandfather, if he (Alex) is in the wrong, if he’s gone rogue, I will not support him, and you shouldn’t either. Pastors need to be held accountable.”
However, since the Board of Elders has failed to hold Pastor Jim accountable for his personal sinful behavior and doctrinal compromise, it therefore falls upon the congregants to do so. Pastor Jim: “I would never urge a congregation to stand up for a pastor no matter what. That’s a bad thing. We all need to be accountable, and pastors need to accountable also.”
This is all the more urgent because this Elders’ culpable negligence has allowed Pastor Jim to descend into extremely dangerous territory morally. And this could have dangerous consequences for the life of his own daughter, Juli!
By way of review, in our previous articles, we have proven, according to Pastor Jim’s own teaching, that he has been disobedient in multiple areas as a consequence of an unspecified health problem:
Part 12: Pastor Jim has willfully partnered with a heretical publisher, Xulon Press, which claims to be “Christian,” but also publishes heretical Catholic and NAR books. This violates his teaching in many passages such as 2 John 5-10, 11-13; Matthew 28:19, etc.
Also, Pastor Jim is violating his own biblical teaching about partnering with a so-called “Christian” publisher who is willing to compromise the Gospel for the sake of money (from 1 Timothy 6:5-6):
@16:20 Well, some people back then, as do so many people today, seize upon people’s worship of God as an opportunity to capitalize financially and make a few bucks. For example, you get emails offering us entree to a $4 billion religious market, or you get a catalog from a speakers’ bureau offering us high profile speakers for church events at a handsome price. It’s unbelievable.
Nobody has exploited it so well as the Christian entertainers, whose love of fame and fortune far out distances, to say the least, any love of God. These people would sell their souls to the Devil for their ambition, and many seem to have sold out. The Christian publishing industry and the Christian bookstores don’t publish or sell what needs to be published or sold. Rather, they seize the opportunity to make money, and they will publish and they will sell heresy, if it will make them money.” Ends 17:25
Part 13: Pastor Jim has violated man’s (civil) law by taking possession of two websites he no longer owned, and he has unbiblically revoked financial support from disabled daughter and son-in-law
(These two points will be dealt with later in this article.)
Elders, Part 1: Pastor Jim has committed a serious civil offense of defamation of character against me (Paul) by both explicitly and implicitly falsely accusing me of emotionally torturing his wife, Olsie, including denying her access to her daughter, Juli.
In addition, Pastor Jim has demonstrated heretofore unthinkable abusive behavior toward his own wife, Olsie, pretending to speak for her without her knowledge or consent and publicly lying about me (Paul). Why this behavior is so abusive will become even more evident to you in the course of this article.
(Again, the issues of the civil offense of unlawful possession of the websites will be dealt with later.
LBC (congregation), Part 1: Pastor Jim has allowed pro-LGBTQ curriculum into our Children’s Ministry (and other departments) as early as 2017, and he did not stop it when we confronted him privately in 2020.
Now we have arrived at LBC (congregation), Part 2:
The purpose of this current article is to show that Pastor Jim’s abusive behavior toward his own wife and daughter (and son-in-law) has now resulted in life-endangering circumstances for both women, esp. for Juli:
As you may be aware pastor Jim publicly announced on April 7, 2024 that his wife, Olsie, had been diagnosed with cognitive decline. Unfortunately, he added to the grievous nature of this moment by simultaneously and falsely blaming me, his son-in-law, both explicitly and implicitly, for her current health condition.
In our Elders, Part 1 article, Juli and I have already begun refuting Pastor Jim’s cruel act of civil defamation, but now you will see that this behavior is part of a larger pattern of emotional abuse that Pastor Jim began in 2015 toward his wife Olsie, and his sick, disabled bedbound daughter. For example, early in that year, Olsie shockingly informed *us that Pastor Jim had recently begun unfairly blaming her for two of her health problems that she had not caused, nor was she able to reverse them just because they were frustrating to him.
(*By the way, according to Pastor Jim’s teaching from Scripture, two or three witnesses who are of godly character and of sound mind constitute biblically valid testimony. In the OT, someone could be convicted and sentenced to death by this testimony (Deut. 17:6). Listen to 1 Timothy 5:17-20.)
This news was completely unthinkable to us prior to this. And we would have had no way to know this if Olsie hadn’t told us. Sadly, this not only damaged Olsie physically and psychologically, but due to her own already declining mental health, she then unfortunately perpetuated the cycle of abuse. Olsie soon began mimicking her husband’s abusive behavior by blaming us for things that we could not help either. As we wrote to the elders on 1-30-23:
p.3-4 Let me add here that Jim has even freely admitted twice to being emotionally abusive toward Olsie, both times in 2017 (once implicitly and once explicitly).
Yet despite our desperate pleas for Jim to do his biblical due diligence and seek medical attention for himself and for Olsie, he has refused to do so for both of them. In addition, because he has emotionally abused Olsie beginning in 2015, she has tragically become (like many abuse victims) abusive of others, in this case, Juli & me (because we are disabled and physically/financially dependent on her.)
Pastor Jim also began a heretofore nonexistent pattern of blaming Juli, his own sick, disabled bedbound daughter, for worsening or causing her own mother’s cognitive decline.
In paragraph 1 of the following email, Pastor Jim describes both Olsie’s early symptoms of cognitive decline, as well as demonstrating his cruel tactic of blaming an innocent victim (Juli) for it:
From: Jim Andrews <jima@lakebiblechurch.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 7, 2015 6:47 PM
To: Paul Grose <paulgrose1@hotmail.com>
Subject: OlsiePaul, Juli has to stop. You all may not realize it, but Olsie is on a narrow ledge as far as her mental health is concerned. She is not sleeping well. She is having trouble getting out of bed. TMJ for weeks has been about to take off the top of her head. Can find no relief but somehow keeps on going. Stresses everyday come at her from 19 different directions that you guys have no idea about. Both of us are showing signs at times of dementia (not really) but neither of us can remember the simplest things, too much coming at us, especially her. She is literally getting worn out and if things don’t let up soon, she is going to snap.
I realize nobody has it worse than you two, but she does all she can to help. I am just asking that you guys don’t compound the problem, or she is not going to be there for you one of these days. I can see it coming.
Notice that pastor Jim unfairly and cruelly blames the worsening of Olsie’s condition on Juli. What was her alleged “crime?” She was simply begging her mom to take medical responsibility for herself, instead of fatalistically giving up and stopping a medication, since she had been stating recently that she was on the verge of having another nervous breakdown. (Olsie had frequently taken this OTC medicine for the prior 20 years, without incident, and it was necessary to keep her strong enough to function.)
Remember that Pastor Jim wrote extensively about Olsie’s struggles with severe depression, which began in 1992, in his book, Polishing God’s Monuments: Pillars of Hope for Punishing Times. And, of course, Olsie had been our in-home caregiver for the previous 28 years, and we could not afford for her health to deteriorate since there was nobody to take her place.
So then, after I read Pastor Jim’s email, I explained to him potential diagnoses that needed to be checked out for Olsie [see edited excerpts below], but inexplicably, after just stating how worried he was about her mental and physical health, he refused to accept any responsibility for her health and get her the medical attention she desperately needed [see Jim’s response below mine]:
There are AT LEAST 3 major health issues that can affect Olsie’s mood and ability to cope that [Olsie’s doctor] has been unwilling to check into (because Medicare won’t pay for the test). The first is [one possible diagnosis]. When Olsie watched a Dr. Oz presentation, she recognized that she has many of the common symptoms … Then she asked [current doctor] and it went nowhere.
The other problem that should have been checked into is [another possible diagnosis]. Again, [current doctor] didn’t want to order that.
Also [third option], she has [another possible diagnosis]. Here’s a link. This can cause depression and irritability.
Up to this point, I understand why you’ve continued w/[current doctor] and I want you to continue. However, since Olsie’s depression is getting much worse, you don’t have a choice right now to do nothing. [bolding added]. But these issues need to be addressed and [current doctor] doesn’t seem able to help, so you need to get someone else also to fix these. We will do all we can to help as well.
This current situation is making it hard for Olsie to come over, but we need her help. Please don’t delay in checking this out.
Pastor Jim’s ultimate response several days later (May 11, 2015):
Finally, we have neither the time nor extra money to be running around to any more doctors or whatever. No more until it is absolutely necessary. We have much work to do and I am not going to spend the time I am supposed to be working running around trying this or trying that for conditions I either don’t think exist or trying expensive treatments for dubious conditions that I am not convinced make a dimes worth of difference.
So then, as you can see, after just acknowledging the possible onset of Olsie’s dementia, Pastor Jim himself failed to obey his own teaching from God’s Word regarding being a responsible steward of one’s body. Here are just two examples:
A pastor should take care of his body (same for pastor’s wife): 1 Timothy 4:14-16.
The Apostle Paul instructed the sailors to eat and appropriate God’s means of grace for their physical sustenance, instead of expecting a miraculous provision. Same with us . Acts 27:35-44
Unfortunately, he has continued this pattern of denying access to MEDICALLY ADEQUATE (key distinction here!) health care for both his wife Olsie and daughter Juli, contradicting his own teaching from God’s Word in 1 Timothy 5 (multiple sermons, excerpts below):
@15:14, In the caring equation a lesson to be learned here is this. I’ve hammered on it before. I hammer on it again. The lesson is that of concentric circles of social responsibility in Christian charity. I’m repeating myself. It’s not that we Christians are to care only or primarily for those nearest us, but it is that our duty, our Christian duty, it is this: to care and to provide begins at home, though it does not end there.
If we, as God’s people, cannot care for those nearest and dearest, it just shows that the so-called “love” that we extend to those remote from us is obviously driven by some motive other than Christian compassion for the needy and distressed. What motive might that be? Well, just to feel good about ourselves, not to honor God, to get a little applause, to get a little write up in the paper, maybe a picture of us doing these things and pat ourselves on the back. There’s a lot of that that goes on in the Christian world. As Paul has already indicated, something is terribly amiss spiritually in those who refuse to care for their own. Start there. @16:30
@4:35, Folks, we should love the world, but we should be like God. The love of God extends first to the family of God, and there’s something wrong with any pastor who would go out caring for his flock and caring for the people in the community and neglect his own family. There’s something wrong with the church, and there’s something wrong with people that always want to run out and care for others and neglect the needy right in their own congregations. @5:00
@22:56 And worse than that, the apostle says, If anyone does not provide for his own… of course, it’s assuming that you have means to provide. What you don’t have, you can’t be expected to give. But if we do not provide for our own, for our own family… I know people that won’t even care for their own wives when they’re sick or their own husbands. They say, “Hey, I didn’t sign up for this. I’m out.” If anyone does not provide for his own, and especially those of his own household, immediate family, he or she (this is serious, you’ve denied the faith. You’re an apostate. You’re worse than an unbeliever. So let’s take all of these things, folks, very, very seriously, because many don’t. Remember, Christian charity begins at home. @23:42
Regarding this last excerpt, Pastor Jim told us about a professing believer at LBC who refused to pay for life-saving medical care for his wife, and this continued for some time. So this particular section is highly relevant to this discussion because he is now exhibiting the same behavior he rightly condemned in others.
By the way, Pastor Jim’s ardent supporters have tried to defend his indefensible actions by insisting that others should provide financially for his daughter instead. However, each of them has failed to make a case from the key passages in Scripture, including 1 Timothy 5:3-8 above. Rather, they have used arguments based on emotions and unbiblical rationalizations, which Pastor Jim has criticized even himself for: (See p.142 in Jim’s Pastors Manual):
Now, to my discredit, there were warning signs ahead of the storm for both of these men [staff members that Pastor Jim hired] that I foolishly ignored, thinking the Lord would surely not let me and this ministry get sidetracked with foxes in the henhouse. I have learned the hard way, however, that God will never enable those who fail to fully discharge their responsibilities to continue in their bad habit without consequences. Take it from me and learn here. By no means did I get it all wrong, but these errors were avoidable and just a little sanctified common sense would have made up for lack of experience. For whatever reasons in the providence of God, some mistakes are bound to happen despite your best efforts. Still, that is no excuse to shrug these blunders off fatalistically and neglect whatever can be done on the human side to minimize the mistakes in hiring.
In addition, their rationalizations ring even more hollow when examined in the harsh light of the new reality: all other relatives, contacts and resources have been fully exhausted. Yet even though Pastor Jim knows this information, he still refuses to obey his own teaching from God’s Word and provide for his own daughter (to the best of his ability), either directly or indirectly.
So then, does the fact that Emeritus Pastor Jim is no longer receiving his salary exempt him from all responsibility? Hardly. What loving father (and he has always been one, until recently) would coldly ignore his sick, disabled daughter’s upcoming medical surgeries (that stem from her horse-riding accident at age 10) just because he himself wasn’t able to pay himself? He would be calling and emailing everyone he knew to beg them to help her!
Consider this self-description (this excerpt is from p.18; read p.17-22 for full story) in Polishing God’s Monuments: Pillars of Hope for Punishing Times of Pastor Jim’s love for Juli shortly before that near-fatal accident in June, 1976:
Who can describe the horror of a scene like that for a parent? Ironically, only the previous afternoon, as Don and I were chatting in his living room, Juli just happened to prance past us. For some reason, as my eyes followed her happy steps, the thought had flitted across my mind, “My, how I love that kid! I could never bear to lose her.” Now almost exactly twenty-four hours later, the threat of that very nightmare was unfolding before my eyes.
Now, compare that quote with this series of texts I exchanged with Jim on 9/11/24 beginning @5:48 p.m.:

How could any Christian, let alone a pastor, justify his cruel actions of “apostate abandonment” (described in Part 13)? He is not only refusing to obey his own teaching from 1 Timothy 5:8, but he is clearly discouraging those LBC members (who are the primary source of Christian fellowship and ministry opportunities into which Juli & I have invested ourselves for the past 30 years) from giving to us financially because of his refusal to admit his own unlawful actions (as described in Part 13 and Elders, Part 1).
Here is an excerpt from an email from my dad after he and my mom met with Jim & Olsie in July 2024:
We also talked about possible donors to help. Neither family has resources to assist. They explained their finances to us, and that of their family. Jim believed most LBC people would be reluctant to step in because of the conflict over The Final Word.
Thus, because of Pastor Jim’s decision to continue violating man’s (civil) law regarding website ownership, he has created a cruel legal impasse, using it to blame us and therefore deny us support of any kind, including raising support for us from others.
Therefore, it is now necessary to bring this to the attention of The Final Word Board, which we began to do on 1/30/23 in a letter to a Board member sent by legal courier. Whether or not this man was still a Board member then is irrelevant. We now therefore request the help of the public to identify the current TFW Board members and ask them to direct Pastor Jim to step down as President of the organization. As I wrote to Jim last December (2023):
Jim, based on your 2 requests from 12/15/23 and our 12/25/23 phone conversation, you have given me no factual or legal basis for your contentions and allegations about me having your “intellectual property.” If you hadn’t just confirmed that you read my 11-page legal document, I would have no idea that you had done so, since you continue to refuse to engage with any of the facts or legal principles/laws contained therein in a serious, responsible way.
Your behavior before the law over the past (nearly) 2 years has been a disgrace to the name of Christ, especially since I was forced to hire a …lawyer after receiving your threats of taking away our ministry roles. Your pattern of refusing to acknowledge receiving legal documents makes you look (maybe because it’s true) that you don’t have a legal leg to stand on. This is not how any good citizen should act, and you have no regard for the damage done to your witness and LBC’s as a result…
Even if you were in the right legally (which you have yet to prove), your stalling tactics would be considered cruel by any non-Christian, given our precarious health and desperation to resolve the crisis that you created.
THEREFORE, if you expect me to act upon your request, you will need to answer my legal document, point by point, in a historical and legally relevant fashion to authenticate your claims of ownership, just as I did. But it should be quite apparent that I, as the owner of the website/url, have no obligation to turn anything at all over to you. In fact, it is just the reverse.
So Jim, make your case in the manner I specified, both quickly and accurately. And as you said to me on the phone, “if we go on, we’re going to go into bad territory.” I agree. Love, Paul & Juli
P.S. Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention that I haven’t told you yet about the second, independent legal avenue establishing ownership that I have.
What is the “second, independent legal avenue” I referred to nearly a year ago? Not only is Pastor Jim NOT the owner of the websites he gave me years ago, but in addition, he SHOULD NOT BE the owner, because he has disqualified himself from the ministry at LBC, TFW and JAB, as specified in LBC, Part 1:
But in January 2020, Pastor Jim informed us through a trusted emissary that he was no longer healthy enough to supervise all of the doctrinal content being taught at LBC, as he had always done beforehand. He stated that he was now unable to handle the emotional pressure of holding LBC’s ministry leaders accountable for their strict adherence to God’s Word.
… Therefore, based on Pastor Jim’s consistent, lifelong teaching all throughout Scripture (including the above passages) on the primary responsibility of pastors to protect their flock from error (See also Pastor Jim’s Pastor’s Manual, p.173-190, #20, “Pathogens in the Pews,” and this article summarizing the key passages about the need for pastors to be vigilant regarding false teachers, https://help2needy.com/do-not-participate-in-the-unfruitful-deeds-of-darkness/ ) , he had just indicated to us by this statement that he was no longer medically or spiritually fit to hold the high office of Senior Pastor. Thus, he had just disqualified himself from the pastorate.
This where the Body of Christ must step in and prevent Pastor Jim from irreversibly endangering his wife’s and daughter’s health. First, regarding Olsie, in 2015, he refused (as demonstrated above) to ensure that she received MEDICALLY ADEQUATE health care to address her cognitive decline symptoms. Tragically, Olsie lost her job in January 2024, depriving them and us of much-needed income. Jim has continued this mistreatment up to the present, even refusing to read a lengthy, detailed letter that Juli wrote, trying to prevent her mom from getting severe dementia (which ultimately happened):
As we wrote to the unnamed TFW Board Member on 1/30/23:
In addition, consider the horrible torture inflicted on a bedridden, disabled 57-year-old woman when her father Jim, was unwilling to read the 22-page letter (sent May 2022) that she had researched for a full 2 years and written at great physical sacrifice in order to inform [Olsie]…about the very latest medical advancements [regarding cognitive decline]…
And for the past year (off & on), Juli & I have been working assiduously to help Olsie implement the diet and treatments that researchers from Harvard, UCLA and others have discovered treat cognitive decline, yet Pastor Jim recently refused to even watch a video that Juli had requested so that he could help Olsie better.
Olsie has had many falls in the past few years, beginning in April 2022, when she fell and broke her ankle. But Pastor Jim has refused to immediately check into recently uncovered diagnosis of a hypercoagulable condition that a clotting expert, David Berg, M.S., founder of Hemex Labs, had identified in her bloodwork about 20 years ago. Mr Berg, who eventually sold his company to LabCorp for about $1+ million in 2020, had taken a special interest in Olsie due to this unusual finding, and he charged me with the responsibility of monitoring her long-term in order to prevent a cardiovascular incident.
And finally, Pastor Jim has also denied his desperately ill and trauma-injured (brainstem & upper cervical spine) daughter from receiving the emotional and financial support from others, not just himself. This is beyond cruel, and nobody is willing to stand up to him and confront him with his unbiblical actions. As stated above, her condition is so severe that she requires multiple surgeries, but those in Pastor Jim’s circle of influence (LBC members, TFW listeners, and former students) have all refused to listen to our warnings about his health and the destruction he is causing, and have turned a deaf ear to Juli’s cries for help.
Here is a recent video showing Dianna Cowern, a former MIT graduate and YouTube science influencer (with millions of followers) with M.E. (from Long Covid) during an 11-hour fundraiser for OMF, led by Stanford Professor of Biochemistry, Dr. Ron Davis.
The 35-year-old MIT-educated science communicator, known for her popular Physics Girl YouTube channel, has been confined to her bed in a dark room, unable to use the bathroom on her own, read, or watch television. She can only communicate with her husband, Kyle Kitzmiller, through occasional whispers, notes, and hand signals.
The difference between Dianna and Juli is that Juli has been diagnosed with craniocervical instability, requiring surgery. Therefore, she is even more disabled. In addition, Kyle is healthy, and I (Paul) had to go back on full disability due to a relapse with my M.E. disease.
So, unless someone stands up to Pastor Jim, Juli will not survive. He could “call off the dogs” instantly and repent, walking obediently again as he had done for so many decades.
P.S. A footnote to the Board of Elders at LBC: Pastor Jim’s spiritually abusive actions in 2017 led him to falsely accuse us of somehow “trying to divide this church” and “backdooring” him (two separate occasions). He subsequently discovered that he was acting on incorrect information, and he apologized. This led to our temporary recusal from TFW, JAB and LBC for about 10 days in May/June 2017.
However, once this was resolved, we resumed work with all three entities (at various levels), and we helped Pastor Jim fend off the infiltration of false teaching in September 2017, leading to his decision to preach “one of the most important sermons of my pastorate” in October 2017. He credited us privately with saving the church from a serious upheaval due to the threat of the false doctrine.
So therefore, we were unfairly demoted to “inactive” member status without our knowledge. And we were never afforded biblical due process to understand what was stealthily being done to us, since it was not handled properly by Pastor Jim himself, as it ought to have been. Yet we have continued to serve LBC up to this moment, funding the website ourselves where many research & discernment articles are housed, in order to provide a resource for LBC people.
Reader, are you going to let Pastor Jim “sentence to death” his own daughter for simply obeying his own teaching? If you do not act, that’s exactly what will happen.
(Commenters acknowledge by their participation that they have read both Parts 1 & 2 beforehand.)