(Also see the appendix of Pastor Jim’s and his daughter’s book, The Finality of Jesus Christ: Exploding the Many-Roads-to-God Myth. ) What is Christian baptism? It is a ritual performed by immersing the new believer in water. It signifies one’s repentance from the old way of life and commitment, by faith, to walk in Christ’s new way. It stands for the entire response to God’s call on our lives. In these passages, we will learn that the ritual of baptism does not save us; rather, it is a symbol of the Christian’s faith and dedication.
14 October 2022
Series: Acts, New Testament
Speaker: Jim Andrews
Subject: The Obedience of Baptism
22 April 2022
Series: 1 Peter, New Testament
Speaker: Jim Andrews
Subject: The Obedience of Baptism