Series Details

3 John

7 January 2025 - 9 January 2025

The brief epistle of 3 John was composed by the apostle probably around 85-95 A.D when John was living and ministering in Ephesus. 3 John was ambiguously addressed to a beloved church leader named Gaius in some church in the general area. Though a very short document, in the lines and between them there is ample food for modern thought and digestion. 3 John is a good reminder that walking in faithfulness is the arch value in the Christian life as well as a sober reminder that in every age there will always be those in our midst who are all about power and influence. Someone once said that all church fights come down to that, bad characters seeking to gain or retain power. There is a lot of truth to that and in 3 John we see this reality on display.

Sermons: 3

III John

Sermons in 3 John