Every religion other than Christianity requires works of merit in some form in order to achieve salvation. In addition, apostate (which means formerly orthodox) churches, such as Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox, teach in their official doctrine that salvation is achieved by faith in Christ plus works of merit.
It is one thing to say that a person, by faith, obeys the moral law of God out of love and thanksgiving because one has been saved. But is completely different to say that one must keep that law in order to be saved. Therefore, anywhere, anytime that anyone teaches that a person must perform any works of merit in order to accomplish salvation, this is lethal heresy. The Apostle Paul, in Galatians, twice pronounces damnation on anyone who teaches this.
23 December 2024
Series: 1 John, New Testament
Speaker: Jim Andrews
10 January 2023
Series: Acts, New Testament
Speaker: Jim Andrews
Subject: How Do I Become Saved?, Legalism
9 January 2023
Series: Acts, New Testament
Speaker: Jim Andrews
Subject: How Do I Become Saved?, Legalism
6 January 2023
Series: Acts, New Testament
Speaker: Jim Andrews
5 July 2022
Series: New Testament, Romans
20 June 2022
Series: New Testament, Romans
17 June 2022
Series: New Testament, Romans
16 June 2022
Series: New Testament, Romans
Speaker: Jim Andrews
Subject: How Do I Become Saved?, Legalism
15 June 2022
Series: New Testament, Romans
Speaker: Jim Andrews
Subject: How Do I Become Saved?, Legalism