The Westminster Confession states, “The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” Genesis 1:27 recounts the creation of man in the image of God, thus establishing the intrinsic value He places on every human life. But in Genesis 3, Adam sinned by disobeying the single commandment God had given him to obey. This caused Adam & Eve to be estranged from God, which caused a God-sized vacuum in the heart of each descendent of theirs thereafter. Only God could restore man’s relationship with Him due to the corruption of his nature. In this Subject, we will learn that man must acknowledge this corruption in order to become right with God. This is called repentance, the first step of Christian faith. It means “a change of mind leading to action.”
17 March 2023
Series: Old Testament, Psalms
Speaker: Jim Andrews
Subject: Corruption of Man, The Absurdity of Dariwnism
24 June 2022
Series: New Testament, Romans
Speaker: Jim Andrews
Subject: Corruption of Man, Jewish Objections to Christ
23 June 2022
Series: New Testament, Romans
Speaker: Jim Andrews
22 June 2022
Series: New Testament, Romans
21 June 2022
Series: New Testament, Romans
20 June 2022
Series: New Testament, Romans
17 June 2022
Series: New Testament, Romans
18 January 2022
Series: Ephesians, New Testament
Speaker: Jim Andrews