Luke 8:26-39, Part 1

29 April 2020

Series: Luke, New Testament

Luke 8:26-39, Part 1
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  1. Karleen Olander

    Thank you, Mr. Andrews, for your faith in Jesus Christ & your radio ministry. I hear you on KPDQ-FM, but not regularly. I thank God for your message tonight, 4/30/20 about demonic activity in the world & in people. You must have taught Part 2 on Luke 8:26-38 because you mentioned situations that described what is going on in my son’s life & I need help from Christians who understand the reality of demonic activity & how to pray & speak effectively into the situation. I wrote down your radio program phone number & will call it. I would like to set up a time to talk to you about it. I’ve been quite shaken up this past week over an incident that recently occurred & asked the Lord for help. You spoke with understanding & biblical truth about demonic activity. I believe God has an answer & a solution to the spiritual battle that is raging in our home.

    • Paul Grose

      Thanks for sharing your story with us, Karleen! We hope that the program and Pastor Jim have given you the answers you needed.


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