Grief is numbing. Sadness is Hard. loneliness is like a ‘nagging’ headache. When others say trust God and it will come together. Only most folks don’t know what it is to come to terms with trust. Food, clothing and the the simple things in life are what we trust God for. When it comes to not having resources to cover difficult concerns it’s hard to trust God for His supply of your needs.
Grief is numbing. Sadness is Hard. loneliness is like a ‘nagging’ headache. When others say trust God and it will come together. Only most folks don’t know what it is to come to terms with trust. Food, clothing and the the simple things in life are what we trust God for. When it comes to not having resources to cover difficult concerns it’s hard to trust God for His supply of your needs.
Thanks for your realism, Joseph. Only God’s sure Word can comfort and sustain us in times such as you describe (Mat. 4:4).