Following Jesus
Following Jesus is our conviction, our passion and our vision. That is what we are all about. But sometimes it helps a lot to flesh that out a bit, because following Jesus, which is the reflex of an honest-to-God faith, is really a pretty radical thing. In this short series of four messages, Pastor Jim makes an effort to get past the fluff, the Christian-lite, and down to what it means to take up our cross and follow Jesus. It is not for sissies, but for the serious.
24 April 2023
Series: Following Jesus
Speaker: Jim Andrews
Subject: Obedience
25 April 2023
Series: Following Jesus
Speaker: Jim Andrews
Subject: Obedience
26 April 2023
Series: Following Jesus
Speaker: Jim Andrews
Subject: Obedience
27 April 2023
Series: Following Jesus
Speaker: Jim Andrews
Subject: Obedience