What’s Wrong with Pastor Jim Part 13

How to hold your pastor accountable when others won’t

In order for the reader to understand this article, it is necessary to first read “What’s Wrong with Pastor Jim? Part 12.” The purpose of this post is to update the reader on the developments since the last article was posted on 9/25/23.

We would like to begin with a quote from Pastor Jim’s sermon from 1 Samuel 12:1-5 (found at the end of Part 12), which describes Samuel’s Valedictory Address.

Here’s a key excerpt (begins @7:35):

“And that is precisely what Samuel does on this occasion. So he steps boldly before this convocation, and he asks, before he begins to tell the people what God has put on his heart for them:

‘Is there anyone here who has any indictment to bring against me? Do any here allege any immoral or ethical wrong against me in the conduct of my office? Do you challenge my integrity on any account?

‘If so, I want you to stand up and bear witness right now, that is, I want you to come forward and I want you to make your case before the living God, before the king as earthly judge, and see if the evidence of wrongdoing stands up to scrutiny. Speak now or forever hold your peace,’ as is often said at a wedding ceremony.

‘And having settled my legacy of integrity, now, I want us to talk turkey, I have earned the right to speak to you about the mess you’ve made of things. And I’m going to tell you how to put things back on track again.’

“Let me ask you a question: If you were to die today, what would be your chief legacy?

Ask yourself, as I have to ask myselfcould you stand before the people of God and your closest associates and boldly invite friends and foe alike to make their case in the clear light of day before fair-minded men and a holy God?

“That should be your ambition. It’s certainly mine.” Ends 8:50

Unfortunately, when Pastor Jim received our legitimate questions (emailed July, 2023) about his decision to partner with witchcraft-endorsing publisher, Xulon Press, he did not respond as he had previously vowed to in that sermon (by welcoming the scrutiny of those family members and friends closest to him, in order to preserve his godly reputation).  

As a result of this, Pastor Jim was also disobeying his own teaching from another passage, Galatians 2:7-21. He was being hypocritical in the same that the Apostle Peter and Barnabas were, but not being a total hypocrite (i.e., a false believer).

Begins@ 10:35 “And this is a case where Paul stood up to Peter and corrected him. Now I was making a distinction between being a hypocrite and hypocritical, and that’s what Paul, in this confrontation with Peter, accused him of being, was hypocritical.

“One’s a hypocrite when we do not actually believe what we claim to believe, when we only pretend to live the way we are supposed to live, when we act on Sunday like a Christian and live the rest of the week as a worldling. It’s leading a double life with a hidden dark side that belies our profession of Christ. That’s being a hypocrite.

“Peter was being hypocritical. That’s not good, but it was a lot less serious. One is hypocritical when occasionally or in some specific area of Christian faith, principles and practice, we do not measure up to what we profess. Our own practice is not consistent in some matters with the principles that we profess to adhere to.” Ends @11:25

So then, what principles was Pastor Jim being hypocritical about? As already explained in Part 12, he has rightly warned all throughout his many decades in pastoral ministry about the doctrinal compromise of the “Christian” publishing industry. They care more about profits than being prophetic, and they will sell heretical books to meet their bottom line, if necessary.

However, based on Jim’s 2023 decision to partner with a witchcraft-endorsing “Christian” publisher, he was now invalidating his own teaching from his entire ministry about the great sin of partnering with false teachers.

In order to refresh the reader’s memory, here is a series of programs already listed in Part 12, with a new one added (Matthew 28:19). So then, after a brief explanation and excerpt from that sermon, we will develop this principle a bit more.

The Sinful Practice of Partnering with False Teachers:

2 John, two programs:



Matthew 13:24-43, November 8, 2020


Matthew 28:19, May 8, 2022


This was the first sermon that Pastor Jim preached upon returning to the pulpit after being hospitalized with Covid in 2022. He had planned to explain the doctrine of the Trinity, and we heard that he was having trouble locating a good sermon illustration. Fortunately, we had just heard about popular women’s speaker, Priscilla Shirer, preaching at modalist T.D. Jakes’s churchso we sent him the information.

While Pastor Jim didn’t specifically use this example in the sermon, he lamented the fact that he sees his church members endorsing modalist (Trinity-denying) false teachers on Facebook.

Begins @23:35 “You will hear out there…(I do not like to mention names. I could, I’ve got a whole roster of names, that I could mention, and as I close this, you say thankfully, but a whole roster of names and I can give you that you run across regularly. I just resist doing that. Although the Apostle Paul did it, and I’d have precedent for it in the scriptures. But I just feel that, maybe I’d go the wrong direction if I went that way.) “But I want to say that it grieves me when once in a while I get on Facebook, I don’t write much on Facebook, I get on there , and I see people I know and love recommending this person or that person to the public. And I say, ‘Oh my goodness! Do you know who you’re pushing? Do you know the crowd you’re pumping up?’ People, we’ve got to be more discerning. A lot of these people are modalists, they’re Sabellians. “You say, What is that? Well, there are people out there, I mean, they have 1000s and 1000s of followers. They do not believe in the Trinity, but they’re self-identifying Christians. They are not Christians.

“Listen, my name is James. It’s Jim. All kinds of people out there named James, but I wouldn’t identify with them just because their name is James. We’ve got to be more discerning. Find out who you’re pushing, find out who you’re promoting. And if they do not believe, a lot of them, they’re selling a bazillion books, they don’t know Jesus Christ from a bunny rabbit.

“So be careful. When you put your arms around some of these people, you’ve got to be more careful today, because it’s a trail mix out there. Some self-identifying Christians are Christians, and many are not. And many of them have big names, and they’re powerful. They’re just bad news, and then they mix up with one another.

“I do not understand a lot of these pastors who themselves are sound, and they go on some of these networks like TBN, I will mention that, or that Daystar. They go on there and I say, ‘Oh, Jack, what are you doing there? Because you’re there with these people who deny the faith, they deny the Trinity, and other things. When you lend your name and your presence, your good name and your presence to that, you are in effect, anointing these other people.’ We’ve got to be careful.” 26:40


Therefore, if it’s wrong for those whom Jim considers to be “sound pastors” to partner with the heretical TBN and Daystar channels, why is not also wrong for him to partner with a “Christian” publisher who promotes a witchcraft-endorsing author?

Finally, Pastor Jim teaches in Ephesians 5:8-11 that Christians must ready to stand up against false doctrine, even if it comes from those inside our churches:

Begins@28:30 “And so it is among our own family, when we see each other get out of line, and we’re not talking about things that we can’t see, but things that we know are clearly contrary to God’s Word. We had one of our ladies get up in a Sunday school class about a year ago and something was going on was just way out of the margins. And she said, ‘This is completely inappropriate. This is wrong.’ Bless her heart.

“That is what the scripture is talking about. So often we’re just afraid of our peers and we’re not courageous as light should be. So he says, call a spade a spade. That’s part of our standing orders as children of light: live as children of light. And one of those things that we do when we live as children of light is to call a spade, a spade. @29:38

…@31:28 “And these are the kinds of things that we’ve got to blow the whistle on as Christians. There are things that are wrong and political correctness would intimidate us. For example, we’re in an era where homosexuality has been elevated to minority status. And now if you are caught saying that this is wrong, that diversity is perversity, ah, ooo… We cannot keep step with political correctness. We have to call a spade, a spade. We have to say what it is and we have to take the heat.” Ends @32:20

Sadly, Pastor Jim has taken exactly the opposite course when publicly confronted (with sufficient biblical due process) last September about his unbiblical partnership with Xulon Press. Not only did he refuse to listen, but he also directed his associates to break man’s (civil) law, not just God’s law.

(Side Note: Even if Pastor Jim had cancelled his contract with Xulon and switched publishers, there would still be two other independent reasons why this would also be sinful, as we described in Part 12. Of course, he has never informed us of such a decision, nor has he repented for partnering with Xulon, so we presume the deal is still on.)

Then very recently, Pastor Jim made an unethical and unlawful demand of me (Paul), so I refused to comply, exactly as he has always taught us to do throughout his ministry. In retaliation, he decided to unbiblically (with no valid scriptural justification), and permanently, revoke his financial support for us, his own daughter and son-in-law.

We are both disabled (and Juli is bedridden) with myalgic encephalomyelitis (M.E.). Other than owning our home and car, we are financially destitute, with no other way to pay our enormous monthly medical and food expenses, which Medicaid and SNAP don’t cover. In addition, I am still waiting for my SSDI/SSI to be approved.

This inexplicable act could accurately be described as “apostate abandonment” (my term), meaning that a professing Christian financially forsakes a member of the immediate family, resulting in an automatic denial of his profession. He is worse than an unbeliever, because even unbelievers care for those in their own family (1 Timothy. 5:3-8):

 3Honor widows who are widows indeed; 4but if any widow has children or grandchildren, they must first learn to practice piety in regard to their own family and to make some return to their parents; for this is acceptable in the sight of God. 5Now she who is a widow indeed and who has been left alone, has fixed her hope on God and continues in entreaties and prayers night and day. 6But she who gives herself to wanton pleasure is dead even while she lives. 7Prescribe these things as well, so that they may be above reproach. 8But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. [Italics ours]

Scripture quotation taken from the (NASB®) New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1971, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved. lockman.org

Thus, anyone who will not provide for his dependent children or needy parents cannot be a Christian (except for one exception, stated near the end).

In closing, we request that you listen to Pastor Jim preach on this passage (1 Tim. 5:3-8), specifically v.8, from 19:55-23:35, which ends with, “This is serious. You’ve denied the faith, you’re an apostate. You’re worse than an unbeliever.” Then, we would appreciate it if you would email him at jima@lakebiblechurch.com (do not call) and urge him to repent of his wickedness.

We would also like to remind the reader that we both love Pastor Jim very much, as our letter commemorating Jim’s 60 years in ministry demonstrates. We know that he would never do anything to harm us if he were healthy. Please join us in praying that he will get the medical attention he desperately needs.

P.S. Pastor Jim has, thus far, refused to provide a substantive, biblical answer to any of our legitimate questions raised last July or afterward. If he would like to finally respond to either Part 12 or 13, we would welcome that, either privately or publicly (here in the comments section), in accordance with his own teaching from God’s Word.

What’s Wrong with Pastor Jim Part 12

Originally posted on our radio ministry website, www.thefinalwordradio.com//editors-blog/, on September 25, 2023. The reason why we are reposting it now, in April 2024, is to give the reader the appropriate background for understanding Part 13, which will explain the developments since last September.

As we will explain in Part 13, it is hypothetically possible that some of the facts outlined in Part 12 are no longer correct. Even if so, the doctrinal issues would remain the same.


On July 10, 2023, Pastor Jim informed Juli & me (his daughter & son-in-law) about a new ministry project that he was going to undertake. Jim had just signed a contract with Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, to publish his massive commentary on Romans, one of his favorite and most-studied books. In fact, he has taught classes in Bible college and seminary on this pivotal New Testament epistle as well.

However, Jim’s pursuit of this project entailed a theological and moral compromise in three specific areas, each of which should have prevented him from going forward, independently of the other two.

Thus, we are asking our The Final Word (TFW) listeners and donors, and our JimAndrewsBooks (JAB) visitors, to read this article and pray for Pastor Jim that he will repent of this unbiblical, unethical and disobedient behavior. Since any one of the three areas should have prevented Jim from moving forward, we are sharing Reason #2 with you, in order to help you understand the gravity of his sin.

Upon learning of Jim’s decision to partner with Xulon Press, I visited their website to investigate the spiritual character of the company. For more than thirty years now, Pastor Jim has decried the unbiblical, profit-driven Christian publishing industry on the air and in his books. When he has submitted manuscripts in the past to Christian publishers, they were not interested in doctrinally sound content. Instead, they only want to publish anything that would sell, even if that meant rank heresy.

Sadly, it only took a few minutes on the Xulon site to notice a heresy problem, located on the page where they tout the authors whose careers they have helped to launch. Among them was an instantly recognizable name, Pastor Mark Batterson, who was listed as one of the top 10 false teachers in evangelical churches by one of the best discernment websites.

Then, I wrote Pastor Jim back with this information, as well as the other two reasons, and admonishing him to abandon his plans:

“The second reason why this is damaging to everyone concerned is that you have carelessly allowed yourself to partner with an organization that promotes the very false doctrine you preach against

“So for you to go against your own teaching in 2 John 9-11 about needlessly partnering with false teachers (Salem Media Group/Xulon Press) in a publishing venture, when you already have one that is theologically sound (JimAndrewsBooks), is disobedient, and God will judge you for it.

“Just so you know: Your new ministry partner, Xulon, is promoting the witchcraft-endorsing Pastor Mark Batterson, author of The Circle Maker. You should be proud of that!”

Let me emphasize how important it is for the reader to understand Pastor Jim’s teaching about false teachers from various passages throughout Scripture. Here are just a few:

Ephesians 5:8-13 & 2 Peter 2:1-22:

2 John 5-10, and 11-13:

Matthew 13:24-43:

In addition, I informed Jim about the doctrinal decline of Salem Media Group:

“Salem Media Group has become theologically compromised over the decades just like everything else.

“Certainly, we are partnering with KPDQ (part of SMG), and if there were a better alternative, we would have to change. For example, last fall [2022], they repeatedly sent out emails advertising this online “Worldview” conference for churches/ministries.” (See below [images won’t show], or visit summit.org’s worldview page): 

From: 93.9 KPDQ <newsletter@members.salemsurround.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2022 9:01 AM
To: friend <info@thefinalwordradio.com>
Subject: Your Church is invited to a Christian World View Video Series: Now We Live

The Christian worldview seems to be losing in the battle of ideas. Whether it’s cultural relativism or political upheaval, the church finds itself in a culture where our core beliefs as believers in God are no longer plausible.

This shifting of balance of belief and attitude towards Christians has many unsure of which steps to take next. Summit Ministries has partnered with Family Research Council to create Now We Live: How Your Faith Can Transform a Broken World.

In six short videos, this small group series will lead your group to deep discussions about what it means to live in this world as Christians and how the Truth of the Gospel transforms every facet of our lives.

Leading Christian teachers and thinkers will help you understand God’s good design for the world, our place in it, and what we’ve been called to do as Christ followers.

When you sign up for a FREE account we’ll give you access to Now We Live as well as helpful small group resources to help you disciple others.

Request access to your free account and stream Now We Live, today.

Copyright © 2022 Salem Interactive Media, KPDQ-FM, 6400 SE Lake Road, Suite 350, Portland, OR 97222 is sending you an advertising or promotional message.


“Jim, when you click on the link above, you find out the “experts” they offer are Universalist (Lee Strobel), NAR (Kirk Cameron), and LGBTQ-affirming, all promoting the same-sex attraction heresy and intimate same-sex touching (Rebecca McLoughlinChristopher YuanSean McDowell, etc).”

So then, dear reader, please pray that Pastor Jim will repent for his unbiblical decision and cancel his contract with Xulon Press. Please email (don’t call) Jim: jima@lakebiblechurch.com, and express your gratitude for his six decades of faithful ministry in the Word of God and tell him how God has blessed you through his ministry. But also, encourage him to make the right decision before God.

Also, please email (don’t call) our radio station, KPDQ: contactus@kpdq.com. and let them know that you do not support the heretical resources they are providing to local ministries, such as the “Now We Live” series mentioned above from last fall.

Finally, listen to Pastor Jim preach from 1 Samuel 12:1-5 about how to restore your lost integrity (toward the end of the sermon), and pray that he follows his own teaching.


This is the first Study Guide (SG) in Genesis, copyright 2019 by JWA. Not every program will have an accompanying SG, but only those that contain information that is unfamiliar to the majority of our TFW radio audience. Pastor Jim usually refrains from giving much detail about words in the original languages (e.g., Hebrew & Greek) or from using technical terminology. However, there are times when he feels this is necessary.

The purpose of this SG is to help the listener absorb the content with a minimum of distraction from a significant amount of new information. It has been adapted from Pastor Jim’s sermon notes, and it only contains the necessary content for the average listener to comprehend the passage. For more help, consult a study Bible (avoid the 2011 NIV version due to gender-neutral language).

“Let’s first talk about Genesis as a book. Moses wrote the first five books of the Old Testament (called The Pentateuch or The Law).”

“The Hebrew word bereshith and the Greek word genesis both refer to the same thing—a beginning.”

“The Greek exegesis means ‘to dig out the true meaning.’”

“A genre is a literary category; Genesis is in a literary genre by itself (sui generis–Latin). Chapters 1-11 are not myth, yet they are not intended to be a precise, scientific account either. Nor is it a historical description in the ordinary sense. It is not exactly poetry, but more like elevated prose that has a theological purpose.”

“The commentators Keil & Delitzsch [p. 39], list 3 competing cosmologies (theories of origins) among secular scientists and philosophers:

The hylozoistic view held that the source of life was some pre-existing primeval matter. (Darwinism follows this track somewhat.)

The pantheistic view held that the whole world emanated from a common divine substance, so that ALL is God or All is God. (Eastern religions such as Hinduism and some schools of philosophy are on this page.)

The mythological view sees the origins of gods and men as emerging from ‘rival forces’ colliding in primeval chaos or alternatively, like a chicken, from a world egg. (The Big-Bang Theory shares commonality with this school of thought.)”

In Genesis 1-11, some things in these chapters are paradigmatic (meaning the content serves us as timeless models or patterns of certain realities – the tactics of Satan, the outcomes of sin, etc.), some are aetiological (meaning they are intended to clue us about the source or origins of peoples, practices or behaviors or cultures, etc.), and some are foundational (intended to establish the historical basis or authority for an institution, e.g., marriage).


Copyright 2019 by JWA

“In Genesis 1-11, some things in these chapters are paradigmatic (meaning the content serves us as timeless models or patterns of certain realities – the tactics of Satan, the outcomes of sin, etc.), some are aetiological (meaning they are intended to clue us about the source or origins of peoples, practices or behaviors or cultures, etc.), and some are foundational (intended to establish the historical basis or authority for an institution, e.g., marriage).”

“Definition of SCIENCE: Study of God’s created order. Definition of scientism: Worship of man’s understanding of a godless Universe”

“ex nihilo creation (Latin, meaning ‘out of nothing’).”

Study Guide for GENESIS: Chapter 1:1-2

Copyright 2019 by JWA

“The Hebrew verb bara (created) can mean one of two things. The usual sense of the verb, which is only used of God and of no other creature or person, is ‘to create by a divine supernatural act.’ However in this case, it means ‘to create something entirely new that did not exist previously by a divine supernatural act.’ This is confirmed by the analogy of Scripture, which means that the ENTIRE biblical revelation explains and clarifies the individual part or parts. See Colossians 1:16-17, Romans 11:36, Isaiah 45:7-10 and John 1:1-3.”

“So, to summarize, this verb in itself does not say the creation was out of nothing; in fact it is used elsewhere in this chapter where God creates using what He had already created. But in this case (1:1), ‘out of nothing’ clearly stated in those passages above that were penned by inspired writers. So we rightly affirm it.”

“The Hebrew plural noun Elohim (God) is the generic name for “God” just as ho theos is in Greek. God also reveals Himself by other names which define relationships (Yahweh, which means “Lord,” and “Father God,” by which we mean that the One who is God is also the One who, in Christ, is our Heavenly Father).”

“El Gibbor” means Mighty One.

“Since Moses used a plural noun (Elohim) with a singular verb (bara), this is an indication of the Trinitarian nature of God. Biblical revelation tends to move from the seminal to the substantive, to move progressively into fuller and fuller light on a subject. ‘The New Testament is in the Old somewhat concealed; the Old is in the New more fully revealed.’”

“The phrase used for the ‘heavens and the earth’ is a Hebrew term that means the whole cosmos of Creation.”

“The Hebrew term for ‘earth’ means the land portion of our globe.”

“The Hebrew terms tohu and bohu mean ‘formless and void.’”

“The Latin phrase ex nihilo means ‘out of nothing.’”

“The Hebrew word for spirit or Holy Spirit is ruach.”

Study Guide for GENESIS: Chapter 1:3-15

Copyright 2019 by JWA

The distinction between macro- and micro-evolution is critical; the biblical position is that the macro (change between species) is untenable. Nobody denies microevolution (change within a given species).

The definition of phenomenal language is “a description of appearance, not objective reality, e.g., ‘the sun is setting.’”

Keil & Delitzsch call the Hebrew term for “seas” a “plural of intensity” not a numerical plural.

The term proleptically means “by anticipation.”

Study Guide for GENESIS: Chapter 1:15-28

Copyright 2019 by JWA

The Hebrew word Adam means “man” or “mankind.”

The use of the Hebrew plural “let us” with the singular verb “make” refers to an early hint of the Trinity.

What does the phrase “image and likeness of God” mean? By adding “likeness,” Moses indicates that this does NOT mean an exact one. Not “a little god,” as heretical charismatics (esp. NAR) teach. Rather, a divinely designed similarity, including an ability to commune with God.

Study Guide for GENESIS: Chapter 1:19-2:6

Copyright 2019 by JWA

This detailed creation account in chapter 2 is not, as skeptical scholars claim, a second one patched from a later source into the original narrative in chapter 1. Genesis is by no means a patchwork quilt of narratives, but a carefully crafted document of accounts or generations that move the story forward.

Genesis is organized by the author around 10 divisions. These ten generations are clearly marked by the Hebrew word toledoth, which is sometimes translated “account,” i.e., the successive accounts (lit. “generations”) of the family of the man down to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who were the patriarchs of God’s chosen people. The first of those divisions is demarcated at Genesis 2:4, “This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made earth and heaven.”

Editor’s note: Pastor Jim used Dr. Bruce Waltke’s GENESIS: A COMMENTARY (2001) as one of his resources for teaching Genesis, which is doctrinally sound. Waltke had enjoyed a sterling reputation for scholarship and theological integrity for over half a century. However, in 2010, he endorsed evolution as part of God’s creative process, which is contradicted by the textual, biblical evidence. He resigned from Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando shortly thereafter. This development was unknown to Pastor Jim at the time of recording.

Thus, to avoid appearing to endorse Waltke’s views, we have edited out his name, replacing it with “a well-known OT scholar” in programs #5 and #6 (today’s). There will be future programs as well.

Study Guide for GENESIS: Chapter 2:7-18

Copyright 2019 by JWA

The normal Hebrew word for soul (living being) is nephesh, corresponding to psyche in the Greek NT. “The soul is, properly speaking, the animating principle of the body, and is the common property of [both] man and beast.” Girdlestone, Synonyms of the Old Testament, 56. See Gen. 1:21, 24; 2:19 and Lev. 24:18 [lit. He that smiteth the soul of a beast].

The word ‘soul’ is frequently translated ‘person’ in English since the soul represents the person. [Girdlestone, op. cit.] Sometimes it is translated ‘life’ (Ex. 21:23). ‘Blood’ is sometimes used to represent the life of someone and the soul is the seat of life.

The spirit and soul of man are not synonymous terms. However, the spirit of man comes from God’s Spirit and is seated in the soul in such intimacy that speaking of the human soul includes that ‘space’ occupied by the divinely implanted spirit. A good analogy is this: The human soul is kind of like a lockbox that contains the spirit. Thus, when we speak of the “soul,” we refer to both the “soul” (the lockbox) and the “spirit” (what’s contained inside it)

So, in the Fall of man, it was not the soul (the animating life principle of the body) that was so corrupted, but what happened was the ‘death’ of the human spirit. Hence the need for a rebirth (the body did not die, the soul did not die, but the spirit died in the sense that the umbilical cord of communion between God and man was broken).

It is the gift of the human spirit, created by God’s Spirit, that creates in man his personhood, that invisible life whereby we are “enabled to feel, think, speak, and act in accordance with the Divine will.” Girdlestone, Ibid, p. 60

Lower animals have a soul like man only in the sense that they are living beings. What they lack, man possesses, which is an everlasting spirit embedded in that soul, a spirit which bears the image of God, a likeness in the form of personhood.

Note that for the first time (v.7), the Hebrew word Elohim (God) is combined with Yahweh (the Lord) to form “The Lord God.” This compound term identifies God more specifically in terms of relationship. “The God we are talking about is this God, and no other who may be called a god.” In other words, the God who is, and was and ever shall be is none other, Moses is telling us, than Yahweh (Lord in English), the God who entered into a covenant relationship with Israel in the time of Moses. Without elaboration, God established that relational connection by this double name.

“gan” = Hebrew connotes normally “an enclosed garden”

“Eden” = Hebrew means “delight, pleasure.” Thus, Eden was a district wherein God created this enclosed garden of exquisite beauty and perfect provision.

God tested Adam and Eve by putting two trees in the middle of the garden: the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

We must not misunderstand this nomenclature. The “tree of life” does not mean a tree whose fruit is magically invested with chemical potency that imparts to the eater the gift of fullness of life (which implies also unending life). Rather we are to understand this tree as a testing tree, a tree that tested whether the original pair would choose God’s promise of the fullness of life by refraining from consuming its fruit or would they bypass that particular tree (tree of life) to which that reward was attached (full and unending life in communion with God) in favor of tasting of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil so they could experience God-like wisdom—i.e. the perfect knowledge of good and evil, knowing independently, without recourse to God, what is favorable and disfavorable to their existence on this planet? Would they elect to be independent of God and self-sufficient or would rely strictly on Him, not only for moral knowledge, but functional knowledge of the best way to run their lives? This was the one and only law God gave them in the beginning, not to eat from this tree.

When Moses says that God “planted” a garden, this is an example of anthropomorphic language, which means that God is described from the human standpoint to help our finite minds understand Him and also for elegant simplicity.

The word Mesopotamia means “between two rivers,” namely the Tigris and the mighty Euphrates, where God placed the Garden of Eden. The Tigris runs somewhere in the neighborhood of ancient Ashur, the capital of ancient Assyria (the words are related).

Study Guide for GENESIS: Chapter 2:15-3:1

Copyright 2019 by JWA

Review from previous program:

The Hebrew word Adam means “man” or “mankind” (generically). It was also the “proper name” we call the first male human, Adam. He named his wife Eve.

God tested Adam and Eve by putting two trees in the middle of the garden: the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to test whether they would obey God’s command and enjoy fullness of life with Him or they would taste of the forbidden tree to experience God-like wisdom—independently of Him.

New content for today’s program:

The Hebrew word “ish” means man. Adam named his wife “woman” (“issha”) to indicate that she was part of him.

Important note: During his series in Genesis, Pastor Jim used the 1984 NIV version as one of the translations he read from. He does not use or endorse the 2011 NIV version due to its unbiblical use of gender-neutral language. See this article for details: https://krisispraxis.com/archives/2015/07/the-niv-2011-gender-neutral-translation-controversy-and-new-gold-standard-bible/ .

Study Guide for GENESIS: Chapter 3:1-5

Copyright 2019 by JWA

Here is the relevant passage in 1 Tim. 2:9-15 that Pastor Jim refers to:

9Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments, 10but rather by means of good works, as is proper for women making a claim to godliness. 11A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness. 12But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet. 13For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve. 14And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. 15But women will be preserved through the bearing of children if they continue in faith and love and sanctity with self-restraint.

New American Standard Bible Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit http://www.lockman.org

Here is part of today’s quote from this TFW program:

“As much as feminists rebel at this, the Apostle Paul cites two independent but compounding reasons why ONLY men are allowed to lead churches and preach: 1) Adam was created first, as the head of the species and the home, and 2) Eve’s deception proves a greater susceptibility among women than men (who have their own susceptibilities) to spiritual deception.”

“more crafty” – the Heb. word (amod) means: negatively “crafty,” or positively “prudent”. Taken over by the power of Satan, prudence devolves into craftiness, a sneaky cleverness. The Devil turns every virtue into a vice when it comes under his power, as here.

“BTW: On a purely side note—In the interest of biblical accuracy, the text never says the fruit was an apple, just as the text never says a whale swallowed Jonah or that the Apostle Paul said that money is the root of all evil (he said it was a root, not the root). The last error is the most misleading.”

Editor’s note: Pastor Jim wrote an excellent article, “Boundaries without Bonds: How to Keep Headship from Becoming a Hardship,” on the biblical definition and parameters of male leadership in 2002: https://jimandrewsbooks.com/articles/

Study Guide for GENESIS: Chapter 3:9-21

Copyright 2019 by JWA

v. 10 “He [Adam] answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.” Explanation of Theophany (theophanies):

“I heard you in the garden. . .” The narrative is unfolded in the simplest terms so a child can understand, shorn of theological nomenclature that might bend the mind. Moses is telling us that by implication that in the garden the first couple enjoyed as God intended, familiar fellowship with their Maker, up so close and personal, that God would appear to them in theophanies, disguising His all-consuming glory, to converse with them as He did with Abraham (prior to the destruction of Sodom) and as the glorified Christ did in the vision His disciples witnessed on the sacred mount when Christ conversed with Moses and Elijah or with His disciples in His post-resurrection appearances.

v. 15 “He” () The masculine pronoun is first seminal hint of a coming Redeemer in God’s plan. “He” the Redeemer, will conquer the Serpent (capital S), while the serpent will do not more than strike His heel—damage but not kill (in the final sense of the term).

20 “And Adam named his wife, Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living.” Explanation of Eve, (Heb. chavvah = life).

In the wake of a curse involving the formal imposition of the promised penalty in case of disobedience to God’s command, here is a ray of hope for redemption. In the face of it, Adam is so bold as to give his wife (naming was an act signifying Adam’s authority over the woman) the hopeful name Eve (Heb. chavvah = life). Whereas Adam should have expected the extinction of his kind, based upon the curse, the Lord God allowed for the merciful survival (in temporal terms) of his race through Eve, his wife. And in faith in God’s mercy and grace, it appears Adam embraced God’s redemptive seeking of them rather than casting them to the wind after their disobedience and fall.

Study Guide for GENESIS: Chapter 3:21-4:3

Copyright 2019 by JWA

22 “And the Lord God said, ‘The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.”

“become like one of us” Though scholarly opinion differs, I don’t think ‘us’ is to be identified with the heavenly court in general, but is the same as ‘us’ back in 1:26 — a seminal reference to the Trinitarian nature of the divine being. ‘Seminal’ in the sense that biblical revelation has a tendency to at first drop seeds or hints of truth that, as revelation progresses, the light gradually becomes fuller or more developed until at last in the NT the truth matures. Thus, the truth in the OT is fully truth (so far as it goes), but not truly full (especially at the beginning of the stream, but in the NT the truth disclosed is fuller). That is what we mean by the phrase the progress of revelation. First, an eye dropper, then a cup, and at last a hose or fulsome stream of better light.

“become like one of us” Man was made in the image and likeness of the Godhead, but remember what this does (and doesn’t) mean:

“What does the phrase ‘image and likeness of God’ mean? By adding ‘likeness’ (Genesis 1:26), Moses indicates that this does NOT mean an exact one. Not ‘a little god,’ as heretical charismatics (esp. NAR) teach. Rather, a divinely designed similarity, including an ability to commune with God.”

“knowing good and evil” – Man had transitioned from a state of innocence where, like infants, he was for good reason unaware of the presence of evil. All was good until the Serpent entered his realm and his moral consciousness was awakened (no longer dormant) to the polar opposites. And he had chosen the worse (evil) as the better part. A fatal choice that disconnected him from eternal life that had been within his reach had he chosen good (eating of the tree of life).

“He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.”

To deny our original parents the gift of continuous eternal life is not hard to understand. That consequence is penalty of their sin, for the wages of sin was (and remains) everlasting death. But inasmuch as that life is a gift of God, for God is the source of everlasting life, it puzzles that eternal life seems to be a benefit that God has imparted to the tree itself, which benefit is inherited by those to partake of the fruit of the tree.

In that case, I am compelled to conclude that God as He wills, can impart life-giving or healing properties to anything he pleases (e.g. figs in the case of Hezekiah’s boil, manna in the wilderness (a type of the Bread of Life, namely, Christ, the waters of the Jordan (Naaman), the pool of Siloam (the blind man of John 9), etc.

To cut off Adam and Eve from access to the tree of life vested with the power of imparting everlasting life (i.e. living forever) was a severe mercy. Why? Because fallen man would have been destined to live forever, but imprisoned irredeemably in spiritual death as a consequence of sin.

Study Guide for GENESIS: Chapter 4:3-7

Copyright 2019 by JWA

This content from Chapter 4 not included with previous Study Guide:

  1. Now the man had relations with his wife, Eve, and she conceived and gave birth to Cain, and she said, “I have gotten a manchild with the help of the Lord.”

“had relations” The Hebrew verb “yada” is (literally) “knew,” which includes a broad range of meaning from “know” in the ordinary sense, all the way to “sexual intimacy.” This means that sexual relations between a man and his wife is not an instinctual animal act, but a physical expression of marital intimacy.

By the way, sex is a gift of God for married people. It is not an expression of human corruption, but a pleasure that enhances its original purposes. The corruption of sex is when God’s gift is taken outside of His boundaries and is engaged in solely for recreation as its end, and not its benefit inside marriage. Everything God gave us in creation is good; what man does with God’s gifts due to his corrupted nature is to pervert them.

Eve’s statement (4:1) after delivering Cain was, “With the help of the Lord I have brought forth (Hebrew can mean “acquired or created”) a man.

The prepositional phrase “with the help of the Lord” is accentuated. By inserting this statement on the part of Eve, Moses seems to tell us that in some manner not described to us in this compressed narration of events, that the Lord, merciful, gracious, ever compassionate, after spelling out the consequences of human transgression, reached out to them and restored them to His fellowship, after symbolically covering them physically and spiritually with the skins of animals that had to be sacrificed for the purpose. I take it that Adam and Eve were at that point reconciled to God in repentance and faith.

So here Eve acknowledges God as the One who helped her conceive and give birth.

New content from today’s program:

7 “But if you do not do what is right, sin (like a lion lying in ambush) is crouching at the door; it desires to have you (dominate and devour you), but [if there is any hope for you in conquering this threat], you must [recognize the peril] and rule it [check it] before it rules you.”

Sin was running loose in Cain’s life. It was unleashed in the Garden. Now it was running free and roaming about like a hungry lion seeking whoever it may devour. Such a threat demands defensive action; otherwise it will rule us rather than be ruled by us. If Cain turned his heart to God, and rejected sin as his master, God would have saved him and sustained him.

By the way, the language of 4:7 is similar to God’s words to Eve in 3:16b, “Yet your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.”

Study Guide for GENESIS: Chapter 4:13-6:1

Copyright 2019 by JWA

1This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day when God created man, He made him in the likeness of God. 2He created them male and female, and He blessed them and named them Man in the day when they were created.

Notice that in Genesis 5:1, Moses says, “and them Man (adam)” Adam is Hebrew for man or mankind. This means that adam is being used to describe the species, not the first human male.

Also, Moses develops his narration of God’s redemptive plan generationally (the Hebrew word is “toledoth”) down to the time of Jacob and his family. There are 10 such “generations” listed in Genesis.

Study Guide for GENESIS: Chapter 6:1-11

Copyright 2019 by JWA

As you may be aware, today’s passage is difficult to interpret. Therefore, Pastor Jim explains this important hermeneutical (interpretive) principle: “The best interpretation [assuming it is already consistent with the rest of Scripture] is the one that explains the most and leaves the fewest problems.”

The primary issue concerns what the term “sons of God” means. There are several possible options that Pastor Jim explores, but each has drawbacks. In the end, he concludes that a hybrid view (of options 2 & 3) is the best option.

Option #1 “sons of God” means Sethites.

Option #2 “sons of God” means fallen angels

Option #3 “sons of God” means a dynasty of Lamech-type tyrants or giants (the Euhemerus view)

Hybrid 2 & 3 view: Lamech-type men or giants who were demonically possessed:

“mighty rulers of gigantic stature and strength, epic warriors, who were extraordinarily lusty and demonically occupied and driven. That explanation seems to explain the most and leave us with the fewest problems.”

[By the way, Pastor Jim makes reference to “a famous OT scholar” and later, “some scholars,” in this program. In both cases, he is referring to Dr. Bruce Waltke, whose commentary on Genesis was a resource in preparing this study. As explained in a previous Study Guide, this work is sound, but Dr. Waltke recently embraced evolution, so his name has been deleted.]

In v. 4, Moses expands on verse 1. “Nephilim” comes from a Hebrew that means “to fall,” then evolves into this noun form which refers to those who fall upon (others).

Also in v. 4, Moses uses the Hebrew word “giborim.” The word means strong, mighty. Then it comes to mean in the more positive sense, a chief, a military leader. Finally in the negative sense, it meant a proud tyrant, i.e. a heavy-weight criminal dictator who pushes everybody around, and takes what he wants from whomever.

v. 7 The Hebrew word for regret, “nacham,” means to lament, grieve. Human transgression grieves the heart of God. And God is not the author of sin, which is contrary to His holiness. But God was not surprised or “sorry” in a self-critical way.

v. 8 The name ‘Noah’ sounds like ‘comfort’ in Hebrew

v. 9 “This is the [toledoth] account of Noah and his family.” This word means “generations,” and this is the third such structural marker by this name in Genesis; first was the account of the heavens and the earth, then the account of Adam and Eve, and now the account of Noah and his family.

In v. 11, the Hebrew word for corrupt means “destroyed” or “ruined” morally.

The English term, post-Diluvian, means “after the flood.”

In v. 12, the Hebrew noun for “the earth” includes not only animal life but the physical appearance and features of the earth as it then existed.

Study Guide for GENESIS: Genesis 6:9-7:2

Copyright 2019 by JWA

This is the account (toledoth = generations) —- a regular marker of the organizational divisions of Genesis. The first was the heavens and the earth, the second the generations of Adam and his family, now the generations of Noah and his family. This book is the beginning of the history of redemption in which God performs His redemptive work through certain families.

[By the way, Pastor Jim makes reference to “a famous OT scholar” and later, “some scholars,” in this program. In both cases, he is referring to Dr. Bruce Waltke, whose commentary on Genesis was a resource in preparing this study. As explained in a previous Study Guide, this work is sound, but Dr. Waltke recently embraced evolution, so his name has been deleted.]

In v. 4, Moses expands on verse 1. “Nephilim” comes from a Hebrew that means “to fall,” then evolves into this noun form which refers to those who fall upon (others).

Also in v. 4, Moses uses the Hebrew word “giborim.” The word means strong, mighty. Then it comes to mean in the more positive sense, a chief, a military leader. Finally in the negative sense, it meant a proud tyrant, i.e. a heavy-weight criminal dictator who pushes everybody around, and takes what he wants from whomever.

v. 7 The Hebrew word for regret, “nacham,” means to lament, grieve. Human transgression grieves the heart of God. And God is not the author of sin, which is contrary to His holiness. But God was not surprised or “sorry” in a self-critical way.

v. 8 The name ‘Noah’ sounds like ‘comfort’ in Hebrew

v. 9 “This is the [toledoth] account of Noah and his family.” This word means “generations,” and this is the third such structural marker by this name in Genesis; first was the account of the heavens and the earth, then the account of Adam and Eve, and now the account of Noah and his family.

In v. 11, the Hebrew word for corrupt means “destroyed” or “ruined” morally.

The English term, post-Diluvian, means “after the flood.”

In v. 12, the Hebrew noun for “the earth” includes not only animal life but the physical appearance and features of the earth as it then existed.

Study Guide for GENESIS: Chapter 9:6-10:1

Copyright 2019 by JWA

In his discussion of Capital Punishment, Pastor Jim references Pope Francis’s 2018 reversal of the Roman Catholic Church’s teaching on the subject. Here is an excerpt from a Catholic author, Dr. Edward Feser https://www.firstthings.com/web-exclusives/2018/08/pope-francis-and-capital-punishment :

If Pope Francis really is claiming that capital punishment is intrinsically evil, then either scripture, the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, and all previous popes were wrong—or Pope Francis is. There is no third alternative. Nor is there any doubt about who would be wrong in that case. The Church has always acknowledged that popes can make doctrinal errors when not speaking ex cathedra—Pope Honorius I and Pope John XXII being the best-known examples of popes who actually did so. The Church also explicitly teaches that the faithful may, and sometimes should, openly and respectfully criticize popes when they do teach error. The 1990 CDF document Donum Veritatis sets out norms governing the legitimate criticism of magisterial documents that exhibit “deficiencies.” It would seem that Catholic theologians are now in a situation that calls for application of these norms.

Edward Feser is co-author of By Man Shall His Blood Be Shed: A Catholic Defense of Capital Punishment.

This reminds us, once again, that our Protestant faith does not rest on the words of men, but of God. “God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent [change His mind]; Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?” Numbers 23:19

Study Guide for GENESIS: Chapter 10:1-11:6

Copyright 2019 by JWA

Chapter 10 informs us about all the peoples who sprung from Noah and were in the larger geographical neighborhood during that general period. This is a narration of roots that has been dubbed “the Table of Nations.” In such genealogies, the most important is usually reserved for the last mention and treated more expansively.

An eponymous name of a place means that it was named for, or self-named by, the one who founded it.

One of the descendants of Ham was Mizraim, which means “two Egypts” [Upper & Lower].

Chapter 11:

Post-Diluvians are those people who lived after the flood.

The word “babel” means “confusion.”

The term “immanent” means “present in” or “close to and involved in” His creation.

The term “anthropomorphic” means “man-like” or “accommodated language so man can understand.” This type of language is used in v. 5, “but the Lord came down. . .” Obviously, this is not to be understood literally, as if an all-knowing God had to exit His throne in Heaven and come down to earth to figure out what on earth these people were up to. I say obviously, because so interpreting it would violate one of the great laws of biblical interpretation, which is that the inspired word, rightly understood, does not contradict itself (God does not exist in human form–(John 4—and God is omniscient, unlike ourselves.

Study Guide for GENESIS: Chapter 12:1-13

Copyright 2019 by JWA

Editor’s Note: Pastor Jim will occasionally exchange the name Abraham for Abram by accident prior to his name change in Genesis 17:5. This is also true for the names Sarah and Sarai.

v.6 The great tree of Moreh (means “teacher”) was not just a spectacular tree, but was also, for that very reason, the site of pagan worship. Canaanites in their heathen way may have been accustomed to seeking ‘light’ or guidance from their idol priests.

Several times God saw fit to appear in some theophanic (a visual appearance of God, who is pure spirit) form to the patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob), Moses, and some others (Isaiah, Ezekiel). Such appearances were rare, not regular, and reserved for critical moments in their lives or mission. All this was before there was written revelation and before the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit.

v.9 “The Negev” means “the south,” where Beersheba was located. This was wilderness country, dry and hot, sometimes above 120 degrees. This territory will figure prominently in the experiences of the patriarchs—Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Pastor Jim quotes this from Dr. Bruce Waltke toward the end of the program, “Abraham’s logic was: better her [Sarai] defiled than me [Abram] dead.” As noted in a previous Study Guide, Dr. Waltke’s name has been removed from this series, though his content remains (since it is sound).